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LGBTQ Community Resources

Westchester LGBTQ Community Resources

Westchester County has assembled a variety of resources to connect you with local LGBTQ communities. These resources include hotline numbers, websites, support groups and services, and advocacy groups.

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning, or LGBTQ, community in Westchester is as diverse as the general population. We live in all parts of the county, have varied family structures, work at different types of jobs and come from myriad racial, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Some of us live as totally open lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender and queer or questioning people — others remain in the closet for fear of reprisal. What we all have in common is the desire to be treated as equal citizens in our daily lives.

State tax filing for same-sex couples
A growing number of states now allow same-sex couples to file joint returns. However, with this right, comes tax complications for qualifying couples. To understand New York State filings for same-sex couples, go to, and enter "same-sex couples" in the Search Tax field.

2008 New State law amendment
In 2008, a New York State law amended the definition of “members of the same family or household.” This same law expanded access to family court to help all victims of domestic violence. See the Legal Help section for more information.

The Family Justice Center helps victims of domestic and dating violence, sexual assault and stalking to find safety, protection from their abuser, legal help, counseling and other free services from the center’s professionals and volunteers. With all the services in one secure location -- the Westchester County Courthouse complex in White Plains -- victims no longer have to go from place to place, re-telling and re-living their stories of abuse with each agency or provider.